Lindsay’s Story
My name is Lindsay and my story begins when I was 16. Basketball practice
started as any other practice –drills, running, etc. - until my foot went numb.
I couldn’t feel the ball or heel of my foot. My trainer didn’t have answers, so
my dad was called and he took me to the emergency room at Cardinal Glennon
Children’s Medical Center for an evaluation...
Jamie’s Story
Our daughter, Jamie was born Oct 18, 1997 at 34 weeks and 4 pounds. Ten days later, she came home and into our hearts. Jamie was our third "foster" baby. We fell in love immediately but were shocked by her fragile health. There were many illnesses and many tests...
Nancy’s Story
Hello Family & Friends My story begins in 1992 when my blood donation for a friend was rejected due to having “antibodies for hepatitis non-A,... Read More